2020-2025 Strategic Plan

During 2020, we defined the conditions that would allow us to maintain our path to fulfill our Strategic Plan. In particular, we focused on creating reserves, strengthening our capitalization and liquidity index, and adequately managing our past-due portfolio.


Double our portfolio and deposits.

Improve ROE and efficiency.

The Strategic Plan details our business model, which is based on differentiation and specialization, hand in hand with our four pillars.

1Clients Business

The first pillar, Clients Business:

It focuses on providing solutions for companies and individuals. We defined specific objectives for each segment: for companies, we offer tools that satisfy their financing and liquidity needs. In the case of individuals, we manage their investments to maximize their returns. In both cases, we seek to deeply know each client to provide personalized attention and become their strategic partners.

Therefore, we included a wide array of financial products and services; a crucial element are the digital channels that allow us to simplify our clients’ operations and which we are constantly strengthening, incorporating more and more features.

FinancingInvestment management
Deep understanding of clients and their businessDeep understanding of clientse
Timely response Service, advice and yields
Transactions and associated services
Products and processes’ design to connect clients

2Products Business

Our second pillar, Product Business:

It comprises specialized channels, operated by four business units: Leasing, Exchange, Mortgage and Insurance, each with their own specialized sales force, generating synergies within the group and focused on providing timely advise for our clients.

Specialized channels

3Inorganic Growth

The third pillar, Inorganic Growth, allows us to:
Identify emerging market opportunities in order to execute strategic acquisitions that consolidate our business model.

4Infrastructure and Support Systems

The fourth pillar is centered in Infrastructure and Support Services:

It is composed of five elements. The first one, human capital, promotes organizational clarity and our employees’ business alignment. Infrastructure strengthening, as a second component, allows us to have a greater degree of automation and open architecture. The third aspect seeks to open more business centers and thus, increase our geographic presence. The fourth element contemplates talent attraction and development, and lastly, the fifth component, endeavors to strengthen the innovation platform.

Organizational clarity and commercial alignment
Automatization and open systems
Business centers’ expansion and optimization
Talent attraction and development
Innovation platforms